Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Creating a Space Marine Chapter...

I have long imagined myself creating my own chapter of Space Marines. Imagined but never actually achieved. Games Workshop have done a fabulous job of developing a wide range of interesting chapters with evocative lore and cool colour schemes. Whatever background and style I previously came up with always fell short of existing standards. If it ain't broken y'know.

Things changed when a friend sent me a load of Primaris marines as part of a trade. Should I add them to my Celestial Lions? Honestly they had enough units already. This was the push I needed to take the plunge and fulfill an old dream.

Where to begin?

First things first. What did I find cool? 

  • Greek Mythology
    • Particularly Athena and Artemis
  • Spears
  • Sculpting fur on models
  • Badass ladies
  • Hunting/Outdoors survival
    • I don't hunt living creatures but the skills are fun to practice
  • Non-codex chapters
  • Secret rites and rituals
  • Cawl creating traitor successor chapters on the sly
  • Impressive hats

Working through the list a basic outline of the chapter took shape. They would be secretive/hiding something and any who set eyes upon it would be hunted down like the legend of Artemis and Actaeon. Their selection process would involve ancient forest that aspirants must hunt and survive on their journey. Veterans would devote themselves to strategy and be valued for their wisdom as much as martial prowess. The core tactical unit would be  Assault Intercessors with chainaxes to evoke the survivalist aspect. Their fortress monastery would be on the moon of the planet they recruit from. They would be White Scars successors... honest guv'nr.

A name and badge

It was tempting to be 'Lunar something' and drop heavy hints as to their true genetic heritage. I fought the temptation to go full on Ancient Greece with a faux Greek/pig latin mash up to make linguists cry. As I wanted white armour (a decision I will likely regret) it made sense to consider azure/silver/white/pale as possible elements to the name.

Stumbling on a simple symbol that could be printed on custom shoulder pads moved things forward. Featuring a pair of antlers I needed to highlight that the chapter was actually largely made of women. 'Huntresses' was tempting but felt like dedicating to a style of combat that suggested snipers and infiltrators rather than heroic Greek warriors. 

After seeking some input from other folks the final decision was made. The 'Silver Hinds' were born.

Realising the dream

Time to get the model clippers out. Raiding the bitz box I found a couple of Owls from the Sylvaneth kits which would nod to Athena. A hunting horn from the old Brettonian Archers symbolising Artemis. Spears could be made from plasticard. I held back on making hoplite style shields because I wanted to retain the standard template of Imperial equipment, they aren't a chapter famed for artifice or overly generous supplies. High Elf spares provided crescents for the Blade Guard back packs. At this point I began work of the veteran units known for their wisdom and strategic thinking...

With a solid look on the leadership it was time for troops. Much less ornamented as a whole I needed a clear battlefield denotation of the sergeants. A look in the Lumineth spares gave the answer. Sergeants of the Silver Hinds would sport impressive plumes as a symbol of their prowess. I had also spotted Thunder Hammers in the codex entry so they were a must. Chainaxes would be used instead of chainswords in the rest of the squad...

It's worth taking a moment to say these models are still works in progress and will see additions or changes as the project moves forward.

Non-codex nomenclature

Stepping away from the Codex Astartes offers opportunity for fun and personalisation. The only reason to have a set of rigid, in universe rules is to watch everyone breaking them. Hinting at their secret origins and rituals the Chapter would be split into Hunting Lodges rather than Companies. Leadership of a Hunting Lodge is in the hands of a Lodge Mistress (equivalent to Lieutenant), Captains would instead be Stratagoi who form a council assigning Lodges to a particular Stratagos as required. Lodge Priestesses would see to the rites and rituals of the Chapter as a Chaplain would. A Stratagos is accompanied by one or more of her personal Companions serving as Blade Guard Veterans. These companions providing counsel and camaraderie in the style of the Mournival. As for Chapter Master? They don't do that kind of thing here, that's what the council of Stratagoi is for.

In summary...
  • Captain - Stratagos
  • Lieutenant  - Lodge Mistress
  • Chaplain - Lodge Priestess
  • Blade Guard Veterans - Sacred Band
  • Squad Sergeant - Huntress
  • Ancient - N/A as they don't strike me as very flag based 
  • Apothecary - ??
  • Librarian - ??

What next?

I have a lot of modelling work to finish on the existing models. Then I need to assemble a unit of bikes in a style that fits the Chapter. Finalise a colour scheme based on pre-Heresy Luna Wolves. All the while refining the chapter lore into something more solid and presentable. Keep and eye out for more folx.