Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Yes, it does happen

I guess this relates to my previous post. I will get back to hobby content but this is important. 

It does happen

If you haven't seen inappropriate behaviour in Games Workshop stores, gaming stores or conventions that doesn't mean it never happens. It does happen.

It happened today

I was in a Warhammer store in London. Not my local which is a lovely place. There I was happily browsing whilst some kids were playing a game and some guys were painting. 

One of the grown men at the painting table makes a joke about girlfriends and wives. The other guys (including a staff member) laugh and don't challenge this behaviour.


I turned slowly around. Looked him in the face. Then asked 'Could you be any more misogynistic '

He apologised immediately and looked sheepish. I carried on browsing and the store was silent until I went to make my purchase. 

The bar to making sure women don't feel unwelcome was so fukken low. This guy still failed to clear it. Keeping that kind of joke to your private spaces is trivial. 

It happens 

If you don't take my word for it then you are part of the problem. If you don't see anything wrong in his comments you are part of the problem. If you would have laughed along or left his comments unchallenged you are part of the problem. Fix the problem.